Focal length:31.9
Exposure:1/640 sec
F number:f/5

The touch

Post Image

Mark opened his eyes. Sun was shining and the sky he could see from his window was blue, without a cloud. He could smell the flowers from the garden through the open window and hear the wind, playing gently with leaves of the trees outside the house. “It is going to be a perfect day”, […]

Why FizzBuzz matters

If you are not working in the IT industry, chances are that you have never heard about the FizzBuzz test. In short, it is used to differentiate between bad programmers (and software architects) and potentially good programers (and software architects). Curious how the test looks like? Here it is: “Write a program that prints the […]

When your fridge owns you

[July 2020] We are moving into a newly build house. I am so excited! Among all the modern facilities it also has that hole in the kitchen wall for the IoT fridge. In case you were living on another planet during the last 5 years, IoT means “Internet of Things”, it is the new “thing” […]

New Era

Saying good-bye to the old server hardware that was hosting the “demo1” Photostovis server, here on the left: It was a small PC, Intel Atom, 1 GB of RAM with an external USB hard-drive. It is now replaced by a new, lets call it PC, the one you see on the right: the “official” Photostovis […]